Sometimes my inspiration is not strong. I have idea in mind, but the desire to paint isn’t necessarily there. So in order to get back on the train, i decided to paint a still life ! I searched my kitchen and found bananas and lemons, a good subject to work observation, texture and colors.

I placed my fruits in front of my sheet and started working directly. No sketch before hand, i wanted to be spontaneous. Just before painting i drew some shapes very quickly avoiding to be to precised.
This exercice, very simple, is good for developing observation skill. Paint from object in front of us is very different from painting from reference picture. And for me this exercise is quite hard, because i tend to paint what i know and not what i see (always the same problem). This time the theme was yellow, but i think i’ll do it again with a red theme. I always have difficulty with this color, so paint tomatoes and apples and peppers should help me !
Watercolor still life in video
This exercise can be done very quickly. I must have paint it in less than an hour including drying time. It has help me tremendously with my inspiration problem. The painting was hardly finished and i had another idea in mind with that same subject. And you’ll be able to see it next week !
Brushes : Escoda Aquario nº18, Raphaël le “803” nº2.
Paper : Arches cold pressed
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Verona gold ochre (Daniel Smith), Winsor yellow deep (Winsor & Newton), Viridian (Schmincke), Burnt sienna (Schmincke).
If you want to know more about my supplies, i wrote a blog post on my favorite brushes and my palette ! Check it out !
And here you have my watercolor painting finished (click to enlarge) :