A wild flowers fields in watercolor

This week, two weeks after my dandelions video, I thought I paint a wild flowers landscape. And i explain how i get to my final image starting from a picture.

During a walk, I came across this wild flowers field. The variety of flowers and colors inspired me right away : i needed to paint this. So i took a picture of the scene, but i also kept the image in mind in order to work also with my memory of the scene. My first step was to choose the colors to work with (second picture). I choose to work the dark and shadowy areas with violet in order to make the yellow flowers pop from the background. This first sketch is really quick and not worked at all. It’s like a draft and i can see if the colors are working well together and if the composition is good.

Then, I start a first version of the scene (third picture). It is looking like my reference picture in terms of composition, but i managed to refine my choice of colors. Warmer yellow are working a bit better with my dark violet. Even if i like this image a lot, i found that it’s lacking of strength and so i paint a second version, the one in the video.

Painting a wild flowers field video

Un champs de fleurs sauvage à l'aquarelle

Brushes : Escoda Aquario nº18, Silver Brush Black Velvet 3/4″ dagger.
Paper : Arches rough
Colors : Neutral tint (Winsor & Newton), Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Cobalt blue (Schmincke), Verona gold ochre (Daniel Smith), Winsor yellow deep (Winsor & Newton), Viridian (Schmincke), Burnt sienna (Schmincke), Permanent alizarine crimson (Daniel Smith).

And here you have the finished painting with some details (click to enlarge):

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Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !