This week, i wanted to go back to a favourite subject of mine : flowers. No experimentation, no test. Just flowers and trying to paint them with a lot of dynamism.

Bougainvillea is probably the most common flower here in Barcelona. It’s simple, i see it everywhere : in the parcs, on a balcony, at the entry of some shops, on terraces… And it seems like they are in bloom all the time. During january i was able to spot some in a parc fully in bloom. Even though i love this plant (and i use to own one a long time ago) i never try to paint it. So that’s what i’m doing today !
I was afraid to paint it with too much details too quickly, to be lost in some complicated shapes and overwhelmed with negative painting. So in order to avoid all of that, i decided to give it a try with big brushes. A flat for the start and then a round in order to be able to have more subtle shapes.
Bougainvillea in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Ùltimo 1″, Escoda Aquario nº18, Rosemary & Co serie 39 1/2″.
Paper : Canson Héritage hot pressed.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Sennelier), Quinacridone gold (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Viridian (Schmincke).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge