Bridge in watercolor

This video follow my previous cityscape painting : the search of a balance between realism and emotion. We are often attracted to details and we lost ourselves in it. So in this painting of a bridge i want to show you that details are not the important part.

So my subject is a bridge as you can see it in the reference image above. A simple steel bridge, not very interesting. The most interesting part is the contrast between the right part without any building and the left part with the two big buildings. In the second image i wanted to show you my work on site in plein-air. That was quite challenging to paint this scene in plein-air ! And i’m usually very stressed out in this situation, the result is often messy. Bu i want to pursue this exercise because i learn a lot each time i paint in plein-air. The third image from my sketchbook is another attempt of the same subject but with another possibility of color scheme.

And finally, the watercolor painting i show you today in video is quite a balanced mix between my first attempt in plein air and the color study. I’ve often noticed that i have a tendency to take off some details when i paint in plein air. I’m less precise in plein-air than at home. But here i have achieve a less detailed painting. Now i can overcome details more easily and i can keep better just the essence of a picture.

Watercolor bridge in video

Bridge in watercolor - ENGLISH VERSION

Supplies :
Brushes : Raphaël le “803” nº2 et Raphaël 903 nº12 pointed oval shape.
Paper : Canson Héritage rough.
Colors : Cerulean blue (Daniel Smith), Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Viridian (Schmincke), Verona gold ochre (Daniel Smith), Quinacridone gold (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Quinacridone burnt scarlet (Daniel smith).

And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :

Vous voulez m'aider ? Me remercier ?

Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !