Experimenting with acrylic ink and granulating medium

This week i want to show you another experimentation i wanted to do for a long time. Let’s go back to my usual well-loved paper and test this time acrylic ink and granulating medium.

Why do i want to try to mix acrylic ink, watercolor and granulating medium ? Well… i don’t really know why ! I mostly want to see how watercolor and acrylic are working together and also if the granulating medium has any effect on the acrylic ink. I think that acrylic ink can be interestin because they are very powerful in pigmentation and have a really nice flow too. And i love so much granulating colors in watercolor that i need to try this kind of medium and see by mysefl the impact it can have on the paper.

Experimenting with acrylic ink and granulating medium

Experimenting with acrylic ink and granulating medium - ENGLISH VERSION

Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda aquario nº18, Raphaël Kaerell nº12.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Cobalt azure (Schmincke), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Yellow ochre (Daniel Smith), Burnt sienna (Daniel Smith).
Other : Liquitex acrylic ink muted grey. Opaque white Schmincke. Granulating medium Winsor & Newton.

And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :

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Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !