This week i want to show you another experimentation i wanted to do for a long time. Let’s go back to my usual well-loved paper and test this time acrylic ink and granulating medium.

Why do i want to try to mix acrylic ink, watercolor and granulating medium ? Well… i don’t really know why ! I mostly want to see how watercolor and acrylic are working together and also if the granulating medium has any effect on the acrylic ink. I think that acrylic ink can be interestin because they are very powerful in pigmentation and have a really nice flow too. And i love so much granulating colors in watercolor that i need to try this kind of medium and see by mysefl the impact it can have on the paper.
Experimenting with acrylic ink and granulating medium
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda aquario nº18, Raphaël Kaerell nº12.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Cobalt azure (Schmincke), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Yellow ochre (Daniel Smith), Burnt sienna (Daniel Smith).
Other : Liquitex acrylic ink muted grey. Opaque white Schmincke. Granulating medium Winsor & Newton.
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :