After few weeks painting flowers and other plants, here i am this week with a landscape. This is of course still in an autumnal theme. Fall colors are so inspiring !

My reference picture, on the left, was taken on a train few weeks ago. I right away did like how just some of the trees where with their fall colors and i wanted to reproduce that. So this was my starting idea and i painted some sketches from that idea. I wanted first to know how the order with which i painted the elements would influence the colors fusion. You can have a look on my sketches below. The result i prefer is to paint the sky first and then adding elements from top to bottom. This way i found that the fusion are neat and don’t flow to much.
To this first study about landscape, i decided to add something more original to my final painting. In fact, few days ago, i did test some “print” with watercolor. I used a leave (here a fern leave) to print the texture of it on my paper. My tests are also available below. This technique consist in laying down the leave on my fresh first wash. For the test i also use some plastic wrap to put on top of it and i weighted it down. The results are very encouraging and i want to try this more !
This week’s watercolor is a mix of this two studies : un fall landscape with texture added with a print technique.
Fall landscape in watercolor
Brushes : Raphaël petit gris “803” nº2, Escoda Último 1″ flat.
Paper : Canson Héritage rough.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Viridian (Schmincke), Quinacridone gold (Daniel Smith), Winsor red (Winsor & Newton), Burnt sienna (Schmincke).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :