Once again in the theme of fall this week ! And this time i try to paint some sort of still life with leaves and a trunk.

I’m looking again at my reference picture below and i realize that it’s not a birch trunk but a regular trunk covered with moss ! Well that’s not a big deal, the texture is what’s important here ! It’s quite a very regular picture that you can see almost everywhere during fall. In order to make it more personal i changed some things in my painting. I kept the composition as it is working well in the picture, but i changed the colors a lot. I’ve used lots of warm colors as i wanted to get a very warm and cosy atmosphere.
With all the warm colors i’ve used, i balanced it with just one cold color, a blue, in order to have some contraste and also be able to have very dark colors. It will help me to get more dimension in my painting.
I didn’t have any particular goal for this painting. I just wanted to get a first try on this subject, to have fun and enjoy the moment. It’s certainly not a masterpiece, but i’ve enjoy the process and did have fun ! And that’s the most important !
Fall leaves in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda aquario nº18, Rosemary & Co série 39 1/2″.
Paper : Canson héritage hot pressed.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Sennelier), Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Quinacridone burnt scarlet (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :