This week, i’m painting landscape again ! And i choose a vue of a japanese pond in Stockholm’s botanical garden.
A lots of my reference picture are coming from this botanical garden ! It’s a very peaceful place, well maintained et totally free ! So i’m going there quite often. But this time, i’m not painting flowers but a landscape from this garden. The japanese pond is a very peaceful place and maybe spring is not the best season for it but it’s beautiful nonetheless !

I’m quite obsess with this reference picture you can see above. I’ve painted it first with gouache and then with watercolor (video below) and then again with watercolor two times but in smaller format… and i’ve the feeling that i’m not done with it ! The area of gravel/beach was very hard for me. The shadow of the trees against a very textured background but with no details… That’s hard to paint without making them taking the lead in the painting.
Japanese pond in watercolor
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda aquario nº18, Escoda Último 1″, Rosemary & Co serie 39 1/2″.
Paper : Canson Héritage hot pressed.
Colors : Cerulean blue (Daniel Smith), Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Yellow ochre (Daniel Smith), Quinacridone gold (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Burnt sienna (Schmincke).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :