If there is a really surprising thing here in Barcelona is that, it’s winter but everything nature wise is green and lush. It’s very pleasant to take a stroll in parks and nature in the middle of january !

So today i choose one of my pictures taken in the hill of Montjuïc, between the harbor and the city. In this location there is lots of nature, parks and gardens but also museum and structures from the olympics… The backlight is very strong, the scene is illuminated with a very mysterious lights and everything the light touch gets a touch of gold in the colors. And that’s exactly what i want in my painting : atmosphere and colors.
My choice of colors was very straight forward : Cobalt blue for this mediterranean sky and nickel azo yellow is the perfect hue for this grass enlighted by the sun. And i added a couple of other colors that i know go well with this two and here you have it ! In fact all the other colors are here to make the cobalt blue and the yellow pop a little bit more.
Landscape backlighted in watercolor
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Ultimo 1″, Escoda Ultimo nº8 rigger.
Paper : Canson Héritage rough.
Colors : Cobalt blue (Schmincke), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith), Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Lavander (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :