This week i wanted to paint a subject i’ve already painted a year ago : mimosa. It’s the ideal season for mimosa here in Barcelona, they are all in bloom and for the first time i was able to see mimosa in nature !

I started to see mimosa at the florist and i wanted to paint them again as soon as i seen them. But with one of my walks around the city i realised that there is a lot of mimosa in parcs and garden in Barcelona ! Sadly the storm Gloria has made some damaged to them but that’s a real pleasure to be able to see them in real life and of course smell them !
Video of mimosa in watercolor
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Aquario nº18, Silver Brush Black velevet 1/4″ dagger shape.
Paper : Canson héritage rough.
Colors : Azur cobalt (Schmincke), Cobalt blue (Schmincke), Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith), Nickel Azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Lavander (Daniel Smith)
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :