Painting a composition about a cactus garden

This week, i’m painting something quite different than i’m used to : a composition about my favorite place in Barcelona, the Mossèn Costa i Llobera garden.

Each time i go for a walk in this garden i come back with tons of pictures. And usually i’m painting one or two of those pictures. But in order to have a better feeling of this place, why not painting different elements from it in a single painting ? So this is my start idea for this painting. And i needed some kind of reference for that so i made this little photo montage of my most favorite elements that you can see above.

More than a different subject, i also use a different approach for this painting. Less blur and more hard edges. There is still some liberty and fusion here, but inside some very defined shapes. It’s certainly different from what i’m used to but it also take so mush more times and patience. That’s why this video is a bit longer than usual.

Painting the cactus garden in video

Painting a composition about a cactus garden

Supplies :
Brushes : Raphaël petit gris 903 nº12, Rosemary & Co Éclipse Short flat nº6 and pointed round nº4.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Manganese blue (Daniel Smith), Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Amazonite genuine (Daniel Smith), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Yellow ochre (Daniel Smith), Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith), Winsor red (Winsor & Newton), Mayan yellow (Daniel Smith), Wisteria (Daniel Smith), Lavander (Daniel Smith). Watercolor pencils Albrecht Dürer (Faber Castell) : Dark Indigo, warm gray III, earth green, chromium green opaque. Watercolor stick (Winsor & Newton) Cobalt turquoise light.

And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :

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Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !