This week i wanted to paint again a flower from my balcony : a sedum.

Above, you can have a look at my reference picture even though i mostly painted it from memory and by looking directly at it in the video. This succulent plant is really interesting because of the round, fat leaves with the red point on it. The red in the plant is the exact same red of the terracotta pot where it sit ! And the flower are in a lovely star shape !
There is no big dificulties for this painting. The most important point for me was to get the colour right. The colour of the leaves is really particular, it’s not a real green and it’s not a blue. It’s more of a turquoise but really soft and delicate. I choose to recreate this colour by mixing some manganese blue hue with indian yellow. The blue is already going towards the green so a tiny dot of yellow mix in it will make it turquoise really quickly. It’s the perfect combo for the foliage here !
Painting a sedum flower in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último nº18, Escoda Último 1/2 ” oval, Silver brush black velvet 1/4″ dagger.
Paper : Arches hot pressed
Colors : Manganese blue hue (Daniel Smith), Indian yellow (Isaro), Transparent pyrrol orange (Daniel Smith), Transparent red oxide (Daniel Smith), Granulating medium (Winsor & Newton).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :