This week i take you to my most favorit place in Barcelona : the cactus garden, Jardines Mossèn Costa i Llobera.

Of course as i’m in a cactus garden i have to paint cactuses ! Above you can have a look at the group of cactuses i want to paint in this video (the picture as been taken last year, and the garden was just cleaned up). So i install my easel in front of it ans start to paint !
The easel i’m using today is really well thought and practical. It’s the Slate Mini Satchel from Etchr. Basically, it’s a bag with an hard side where you can fix a tripod on it. The inside is filled with little acessories in order to keep your stuff neat. It’s really not necessary for painting outside but it make things to much easier and confortable ! The only one thing missing is a way to get my water jar in a higher place !
Painting at the cactus garden in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último nº18, Raphaël petit gris 903 nº12, Princeton Neptune 1/4″ dagger,
Paper : Sennelier USKBook rough.
Colors : Green tundra (Schmincke), Orange tundra (Schmincke), Indigo (Qor), Transparent brown oxide (Qor), Naples yellow (Qor), Lavander (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :