This week, i’m painting a very springy subject : bluebells and a mossy trunk.

This reference picture is waiting for me for more thant 6 years ! It represent a very nice day with my family so it was about time i try to paint it ! In fact i’ve tried it several time but with no success. This picture is very tricky, so let’s see what i’m capable to paint with !
There is some challenges in this picture. The most important one is to build a strong contrast between the flowers and the trunk but with a feel of fluidity and poetry into it… In ordre to be able to paint that i decided to play with a lot of fluidity, a lot of water and smoothness. The flowers are just suggested, each element is blending in the others. The part with the most details is in fact the mossy trunk !
Painting bluebells in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último 1/2″ oval, Escoda Último nº10 dagger.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Manganese blue (Daniel Smith), Ultramarine blue (Sennelier), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Lavander (Daniel Smith), Transparent red oxide (Daniel Smith).
And here is the finished painting (Click to enlarge) :
One Response
Ursula: I am getting ready to paint a little song (that my friend’s mother use to sing) with Lilly of the Valley on the side as a baby present for my best friend’s oldest daughter’s second baby. So I went out to the web to find out how to best paint the flower and I found your video. I wanted to watch more of your painting and just watched the bluebells. I paint with such detail and want to be more loose so I hope watching you will help. We will see how I do.. We live in North Carolina US. I have been painting for 12 years but have taken off the past 3 so I am a bit rusty, I love watching you paint and the Kitty adds much to the process. What is his/her name. Thanks Karen