This week i’m painting flowers that are not well-known, the leaves are much more used by florist but the flowers not so much : Eucalyptus flower.

This flowers do not have petals, it seems that they are composed with just the pistils. They have a really soft look, almost like clouds. The texture is very interesting and could be difficult, but i have some tips to make it easier.
The first tip i can give you is to work this stringy texture with a thirsty brush. A brush with loads of pigment but not much water. It will deposed some of the pigmen on top of the paper, on top of the rough texture of the paper (it work the best with rough paper) and it will create this scratchy stringy texture. If you work this texture with different colors and different intensity you’ll be able to create the texture but also create volume in the area. The second tip is adding some really tiny line in some area but not everywhere. It will give an indication at the viewer that there is something here but while keeping things light and airy.
Painting eucalyptus flowers in video
Supplies :
Brush : Escoda Último 1″ flat, Princeton Neptune 1/2″ flat, Silver brush black velvet 1/4″ dagger shape.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Amazonite genuine (Daniel Smith), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Pyrrol red (Isaro).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :