Painting irises in watercolor

A few weeks ago i did a live on my french channel about spontaneous painting. I ended this live with a painting of irises without planning it ! So i wanted to paint them again for this week’s video as they are available ritght now at my florist !

I’m very sorry that i don’t have proper picture of my irises, but i totally forgot to take some photos of it.

I can see a lot of difference between a painting from a picture and a painting from a subject right in front of me. Painting from picture is totally ok and it is not a bad thing to do. But i have to say that to be able to see your subject in a lot of different angle and be able to touch makes really a difference !

So for today’s irises, to see them right in front of me is really game changing. I can see all the details : how the petals are crumpled, how they are attached to each other and how the flowers are attached to the stem… All this tiny details helps me to paint a better painting, a more credible and truthfull one !

Peindre des iris à l’aquarelle en vidéo

Painting irises in watercolor

Supplies :
Brushes : Princeton Neptune nº8, Escoda Último 1″, Silver brush Black velvet 1/4″.
Paper : Canson Héritage hot pressed.
Colors : French ultramarine (Schmincke), Ultramarine violet (Schmincke), Cobalt violet (Schmincke), Indian yellow (Isaro).

And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :

Vous voulez m'aider ? Me remercier ?

Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !