Painting peonies in watercolor

France in slowly deconfining but not in Spain and especially not in Barcelona where i live ! Thankfully my mom has a really lucious garden and send me picture of flowers to keep my inspiration going. So today i’ll paint peonies from her garden !

Peonies are such a difficult flower to paint for me, like roses. Well, every flowers with lots of petals and very crumpled are difficult. You have to find the perfect balance between hard edges and soft edges to make the perfect texture for them. For now i do not have the perfect solution for them, but i’m working on it ! After all, watercolor is all about trying again and exercising until you are satisfied. At each step you learn something and you improve yourself. Do not stop trying !

This painting was very tricky. I’ve try multiples times to paint it and even paint one in gouache. I’m not 100% satisfied with it, but i can see the progress i’ve made and that makes me very happy !

Painting peonies in video

Painting peonies in watercolor - ENGLISH VERSION

Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último 1″ flat, Escoda Último nº18 round.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Sennelier), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Winsor red (Winsor & Newton).

And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :

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Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !