This week i wanted to pursue the theme of summer fruits with strawberries. And for once i got the subject on hand, in real life on my terrace !

On my reference picture above, you can see that there is no fruits on it. Well, it’s because i cut them off as soon as they are ripped and eat them ! But that’s not important because i still can add them on my painting where i want them. And if i have doubt on the shapes, there’s plenty of fruits on the plant below the leaves ! This strawberry plant make fruits all the time !
On the technique side, i’ve decided to use the gouache masking technique in order to make the flower and the stems pop from a dark background. I really like this technique because it’s really easy to use, it’s quite precised but still organic. And i also use some texture technique making with plastic wrap, acrylic ink and granulation medium. It helps with foliage and create interest in an area that are not the focal point.
Painting strawberry in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último 1″ flat, Escoda Último nº8 rigger, Silver brush Black velvet 1/4″, Princeton Neptune 1/4″.
Paper : Arches hot pressed.
Colors : Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Amazonite genuine(Daniel Smith), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Winsor red (Winsor & Newton), Lavander (Daniel Smith), acrylic ink Indigo (Golden), Granulating medium (Winsor & Newton).
Et voici l’aquarelle terminée (Cliquez pour agrandir) :