This week, I wanted to talk about a benefit from watercolor painting or any other type of art : an help to relax! When we achieve to not think about having a successful final painting, we can enjoy the process fully.

That’s why, at the end of a day, I like to take a little bit of time to paint. For me it’s at the end of the day I’m enjoying it the most, but it could also be at the beginning of a day for you, in order to start the day in a good way ! This time my setup for filming was still up, so I take this chance to record it. Even if I paint without goals in mind, i still have a reference image. That day, i just had to look at the window and see the clouds in the almost sunset. No sketches for that kind of watercolor painting, just let it flow and observe what’s going on the paper !
So, how this relaxation goes ? No need of a lot of supplies : some colors, a sheet of paper and a brush. No need even to have an image in mind ! I’m just throwing some colors on the paper and watch what happen. Then i add more colors or simply water and watch. I keep going like that until i feel the need to stop. I try not to think about the result, but just about what’s going on on my paper. And I observe the colors blend in each other. I watch how the paper is drying there or here.
What’s the result ? I feel more relax and i can continue my day in serenity ! But i also learned a lot with this exercise : when you don’t care about the result, there’s always interesting things happening. Things that may be used in other paintings !
Paint to relax – the watercolor’s video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Aquario nº18, Raphaël 803 nº2.
Paper : Canson Héritage rough
Colors : Neutral tint (Winsor & Newton), Lavander (Daniel Smith), Cobalt blue (Schmincke), Permanent alizarine crimson (Daniel Smith), Verona gold ochre (Daniel Smith).
To conclude this, here you have the finish painting with some details (click to enlarge) !