This week, i want to use what i learned in my previous experimentation with a real subject. And for that i needed to dig in my picture gallery to find this picture of Lucile’s glory of snow that i took in Stockholm a year ago.

My strategy for this painting was to take what i learn with acrylic ink and granulation medium and take it to another level and try to make a proper painting with it. Of course i’m not able to use this for details, but it’s the perfect technique to use for a nice background with a lot of texture. But once this step is done i can come back and add details in order to bring this flowers to life.
As the flowers are much lighter than the background i use lots of negative painting around them in order to darken the background and make the flowers pop.
Spring flowers in video
Supplies :
Brushes: Escoda Aquario nº18, Raphaël 903 nº12.
Paper : Arches rough.
Colors : Ultramarine blue (Sennelier), Cobalt violet (Schmincke), Quinacridone gold (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Lavander (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge):