This week i wanted to paint something more fun and less thoughtful. My picture library is full of beautiful images (mostly flowers) so i decided to take one of this pictures and create a kind of improvisation.

On my reference image, there is a lot of information and i will just take some of them and integrate them in my painting. So i’m taking first the color, this yellow and all the tones of it, and second part of the structure of the picture and last the rounded shape of the flowers. For once i do not care if the flowers are recognizable. My goal here is to render an impression of bursting yellows.
I’m able to love all shades of blues but i’m very picky about yellows and i can find lots of flaws when playing with the shade of yellow i own (except quinacridone gold which is totally perfect). So i decided to try more yellows, and i choose a Daniel Smith color Nickel azo yellow. This new color has every qualities i love in quinacridone gold (transparency, subtility and also powerfull) but in a colder hue. Exactly what i was looking for ! And the painting in this video is also a test in order to see what i can obtain with this new color. I’m not testing mixing colors in this one but i’m testing if i can be soft and subtle in some parts and powerful in other. And next time maybe i’ll try mixing ! Step by step !
Improvisation à l’aquarelle en vidéo
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda aquario nº18, Raphaël petit gris le “803” nº2.
Paper : Canson Héritage cold pressed.
Colors : Phtalo turquoise (Daniel Smith), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Quinacridone burnt scarlet (Daniel Smith) and Aussie red gold (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :